Portal Servicio Panamericano de Noticias ( PNS) fundado en Nueva York, el 10 de enero de 1970, como Agencia Informativa. El periodista Luis Godofredo Pichardo es su fundador y Director Ejecutivo. Ofrecemos un servicio informativo gratuito a la comunidad cibernética internacional. ( pnsnoticias@gmail.com
martes, 4 de julio de 2023
NY York Post reporta los tiroteos de la víspera a la celebración del 4 de julio del 2023. Los ataques dejan 12 muertes, entre ellos dos niños heridos y una mujer en estado de gravedad. ( PNS Noticias Digital. Com).*
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JULIO 4, 2023
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¡Celebre el cumpleaños de Estados Unidos con nuestras gorras patrióticas de masthead! Comprar ahora
¡Únase a nosotros el 6 de julio para un podcast en vivo con el invitado especial Joe Torre! RSVP ahora
Las 54 mejores ventas del Cuatro de Julio de 2023. Comprar ahora
Kimbrady Carriker, de 40 años, fue capturado poco después del derramamiento de sangre en el vecindario Kingsessing de la ciudad el lunes por la noche, informó el Philadelphia Inquirer, citando fuentes.
Hombre armado arrestado en tiroteo masivo en Filadelfia que dejó 5 muertos es activista de BLM que vestía ropa de mujer: fuentes
Kimbrady Carriker, de 40 años, fue capturado poco después del derramamiento de sangre en el vecindario Kingsessing de la ciudad el lunes por la noche, informó el Philadelphia Inquirer, citando fuentes.
Niña, de 3 años, en estado crítico después de caer desde la ventana del sexto piso en Harlem
Niña, de 3 años, luchando por su vida después de caer desde la ventana del sexto piso en Nueva York
La ex presentadora de NBC Jenna Wolfe revela que ella y su esposa Stephanie se separaron antes de una mastectomía "brutal"
Ex presentadora de NBC revela que ella y su esposa se separaron antes de una mastectomía "brutal"
sueño americano
El sueño americano está cada vez más fuera de alcance: encuesta
Joey Chestnut, el mejor comedor competitivo del mundo, se abrió camino hacia su victoria número 16 en el concurso anual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.
El campeón de castañas Joey Chestnut gana el récord del 16º concurso de comer perros calientes de Nathan
Joey Chestnut, el mejor comedor competitivo del mundo, se abrió camino hacia su victoria número 16 en el concurso anual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.
Niño, de 13 años, recibió un disparo en Harlem mientras continúa la violencia armada que involucra a jóvenes en Nueva York
Niño, de 13 años, recibió un disparo en Harlem mientras continúa la violencia armada que involucra a jóvenes en Nueva York
Michael Kives y Bill Clinton
Ex asistente de Hillary vista en Londres con Bill Clinton después de que FTX demandara por $ 700 millones
Heather Locklear despierta grandes temores por su seguridad personal, ya que se la ve equilibrándose precariamente a lo largo del borde de un alto edificio de oficinas mientras parece estar en algún tipo de angustia.
Las preocupaciones aumentan Heather Locklear vista balanceándose en la cornisa, hablando consigo misma en fotos alarmantes
El extraño comportamiento de la querida rubia se produce cuando sus amigos supuestamente están preocupados de que la veterana estrella de televisión haya comenzado a beber nuevamente, según múltiples fuentes.
Aaron Judge da una alarmante actualización de lesiones con cirugía fuera de temporada en juego
Aaron Judge gives alarming injury update with offseason surgery in play
Murtadah Mohammad/ Jaevion Riley
Dad charged with murder for scalding son, 7, with hot water as discipline: cops
Rosie O'Donnell dice que Madonna es "muy fuerte", todavía se está recuperando de una infección bacteriana
Rosie O'Donnell says Madonna is 'very strong,' gives update on bacterial infection
Tiburón martillo visto en aguas poco profundas de Florida hace huir a nadadores
Danger on the shore Aggressive shark sends swimmers fleeing in shallow Florida waters
Los tiburones han sido vistos nadando en aguas poco profundas en varias playas de Florida este fin de semana del Cuatro de Julio, enviando a nadadores frenéticos corriendo por sus vidas.
Suspect in "Q" subway cane beating
Buen Samaritano pasajero del metro golpeado con un bastón por un hombre en silla de ruedas: NYPD
Las regulaciones de Biden cuestan a los estadounidenses $ 10K por hogar: perro guardián
Las regulaciones de Biden cuestan a los estadounidenses $ 10K por hogar: perro guardián
Sustancia encontrada en biblioteca de la Casa Blanca da positivo por cocaína
¿De quién es la "línea", de todos modos? Sustancia encontrada en la Casa Blanca da positivo por cocaína: llamada de despacho
"Tenemos una barra amarilla que indica clorhidrato de cocaína", declaró un bombero de DC en una comunicación de radio a las 8:49 p.m. del domingo.
Un hombre armado que llevaba un casco y un "rifle estilo AR-15" fue captado por la cámara en la entrada de un complejo de apartamentos de Las Vegas antes de que un empleado armado del edificio lo detuviera en seco.
Cómo un trabajador armado de Las Vegas detuvo a un probable tirador masivo, pero no obtuvo cobertura mediática
Stephen A. Smith rindió un sentido homenaje a sus colegas de ESPN que fueron despedidos la semana pasada.
Stephen A. Smith habla sobre los impactantes despidos de ESPN: "Merecido algo mejor"
Esposo de Florida acusado de golpear a hombre con bate de béisbol después de atraparlo en la cama con su esposa
Esposo de Florida acusado de golpear a hombre con bate de béisbol después de atraparlo en la cama con su esposa
Nunca volveré a besar a mi esposo, soy una sobreviviente de cáncer con media lengua
Comprensión desgarradora de que nunca volveré a besar a mi esposo: soy una sobreviviente de cáncer con media lengua
Jamie Powell pensó que morderse la lengua le dejó un bulto: condujo a una cirugía de 9 horas, 30 rondas de radioterapia y aprender a comer y hablar de nuevo.
La película "Barbie" ha sido prohibida por usar un mapa pro-China de territorios en disputa. El senador Ted Cruz está furioso por la medida.
Ted Cruz destroza la película de 'Barbie' por incluir un mapa de 'propaganda china'
La soledad es un factor extremo de salud para los pacientes con diabetes, muestra una investigación reciente.
Estar solo es más dañino para los diabéticos que fumar, según un estudio
El equipo de 'Die Hard' temía que Bruce Willis estuviera muerto después de filmar su primera gran escena
El equipo de 'Die Hard' temía que Bruce Willis estuviera muerto después de filmar su primera gran escena
Una escena de "Die Hard" en la que Bruce Willis recibe un disparo en el aire se programó al principio del rodaje para que si algo salía mal, lo que casi sucedió, los productores tuvieran tiempo de volver a interpretar su papel.
Los residentes de Nueva York ganan dinero con las quejas por ruido dirigidas a bares y restaurantes
Los residentes de Nueva York ganan dinero con las quejas por ruido dirigidas a bares y restaurantes
El fiscal de Hunter Biden que aprobó el acuerdo de culpabilidad de su primer hijo trabajó con el ex jefe del FBI Louis Freeh
El fiscal de Hunter Biden que aprobó el acuerdo de culpabilidad del primer hijo trabajó con el ex jefe del FBI
Cadena de tiendas de conveniencia bombea gasolina por $1.776 por galón en descuento del Cuatro de Julio
Mujer tiene una crisis épica por pasajero "no real" en vuelo de American Airlines: "Me estoy quitando la"
'Me estoy quitando la' Mujer tiene una crisis épica por pasajero 'no real' en vuelo de American Airlines
Una mujer a bordo de un vuelo de American Airlines causó una escena en la que fue captada por la cámara enloqueciendo y dirigiéndose a la salida sobre un aparente pasajero que dijo que "no era real".
El jefe de Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, sale del exilio para agradecer a los partidarios de la 'Marcha de la Justicia' y prometer 'victorias'
El jefe de Wagner sale del exilio para agradecer a los partidarios de la 'Marcha de la Justicia' y prometer 'victorias'
Universidad de Harvard
Harvard demandó por admisiones de legado "abrumadoramente blancas" después de que se rechazara la acción afirmativa
Ben Affleck y Jennifer Lopez llevan a Seraphina, de 14 años, a la fiesta blanca de Michael Rubin
Head among the stars Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez bring his teen daughters to Michael Rubin's white party
The teen was seen tagging along with her movie star dad and the “Let’s Get Loud” singer for the Fanatics mogul’s famed annual fête at his $50 million Bridgehampton, NY, mansion.
Wisconsin rollercoaster riders stuck upside down for hours after ride suddenly stops: report
Rollercoaster riders stuck upside down for hours after ride suddenly stops: report
a new OnePoll survey that tested the patriotic knowledge of 1,000 U.S. respondents, 99% of whom identified as either a born or naturalized citizen of the United States.
Do Americans know the true meaning of Independence Day on Fourth of July?
Alicia Almira revealed that she quit her lucrative PR job a few years back in order to become a full-time bimbo, according to a new interview with Truly.
I erased myself to transform into a plastic bimbo Barbie
Two synagogues in Brooklyn's Manhattan Beach section were vandalized with spray-paint in May, and now NYPD's Hate Crime Task Force is looking for two suspects, one of whom (right) was caught in the act on camera.
Caught in the act Cops hunting for men accused of vandalizing two Brooklyn synagogues
NYPD’s Hate Crime Taks Force is hunting for two men accused of vandalizing a pair of synagogues in Brooklyn.
Makiel Turbi, 22 (left), is accused of snatching his 4-year-old son, Yoangel Sepulveda (right), from the boy's mother and whisking him away on his scooter in the Bronx, despite the woman's desperate attempt to rescue her child.
Dad wanted for kidnapping 4-year-old son, dragging mom behind scooter
Serial groper accused of sexually assaulting teen girl, 3 women in span of 2 hours
Rikers inmate dies of overdose, DOC staffers facing suspension
New York family feud turns violent as man stabbed after brawl: report
Kate Middleton reunites with Roger Federer at Wimbledon after ball girl faux pas
Royal return Kate Middleton reunites with Federer at Wimbledon after ball girl faux pas
The duo engaged in a tennis session before the tournament and spent time with Wimbledon’s ball boys and girls.
Gen Z bans scrolling phone with index finger — that’s for ‘old boomers’
Gen Z bans scrolling phone with index finger in public— that's for 'old boomers'
Sad woman with her significant other.
Dear Abby: My husband hasn't called me pretty once in 40 years
4 men killed, 2 children hurt after gunman wearing ballistic vest opens fire in Philadelphia
4 killed, 2 kids hurt as killer in ballistic vest opens fire in Philly bloodbath
Drug users are reporting sickening stories as tranq rifles through the drug world, slithering its way into bags of heroin, cocaine and meth before striking unsuspecting users who have no idea they're snorting, shooting and otherwise ingesting the flesh-rotting drug.
The walking dead Flesh-rotting 'zombie drug' tranq takes over: Addicts reeling as most street narcotics now laced with psychosis-sparking sedative
Drug users are reporting sickening stories as tranq rifles through the drug world, slithering its way into bags of heroin, cocaine and meth before striking unsuspecting users who have no idea they’re snorting, shooting and otherwise ingesting the…
images of Gabrielle Cormier
'Mysterious' brain disorder strikes hundreds — and cases are increasing
Padres’ Juan Soto sends warning to Angels’ Shohei Ohtani before showdown: ‘Won’t be scared’
One of MLB's best players sends Shohei Ohtani stern warning before showdown
Aaron Hicks hits home run against Yankees as boo-filled Bronx return continues
Revenge Aaron Hicks hits home run against Yankees as boo-filled Bronx return continues
Hicks has heard loud boos from Yankees fans throughout the series, similar to the ire he felt while he was on the team.
Mike Trout (27) reacts to suffering an injury on July 3, 2023.
Mike Trout could miss more than a month in devastating Angels injury blow
Victoria Azarenka's awkward moment with Wimbledon reporter
Tennis star's awkward moment with Wimbledon reporter: 'You do know I'm not from Russia, right?'
Deandre Ayton ‘looked like a bust’ before Chris Paul joined Suns: Draymond Green
Top pick 'looked like a bust' before Chris Paul saved him: Draymond Green
Olivia Dunne: Clapback at New York Times ‘hit piece’ led to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit spread
Won't be out-dunne Olivia Dunne: Clapback at New York Times 'hit piece' led to SI Swimsuit spread
One opportunity gone awry led to even more exposure for Olivia Dunne.
Joey Votto wants to be ‘young and hip’ with Elly De La Cruz in viral interview
Reds star wants to be 'young and hip' with electric rookie
Braves vs. Guardians
Why the Braves are a great bet tonight
12 children among 38 injured as Russian missile strikes near funeral for Ukrainian soldier
Attack near funeral 12 children among 38 injured as Russian missile strikes near funeral for Ukrainian soldier
At least 38 people, including 12 children, were injured Tuesday when a missle struck a residential building in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region as a funeral took place for a solider killed in combat.
3 dead, 8 wounded after shooting at Fourth of July weekend festival in Texas
3 dead, 8 wounded after shooting at Fourth of July weekend festival in Texas
Bergen County Superior Court Judge Gary Wilcox, 58, is being investigated for posting 40 TikTok videos under the alias "Sal Tortorella," including several containing crude sexual language, racist terms and references to violence.
New Jersey judge made racy lip-synching TikTok videos in his chambers: complaint
An Insider video recently pulled back the curtain on one of Clean the World's recycling soap factories, which breaks the old ones down, disinfects them and molds them into new ones.
Video reveals what happens to used hotel soap: ‘Bringing my own from now on’
Robert De Niro’s daughter describes holding son for ‘last time’ in heartbreaking post
'My heart is broken forever' Robert De Niro's daughter recalls holding son for 'last time' in heartbreaking post
Drena De Niro said her heart is “broken forever” in a heartbreaking Instagram post she shared Monday following the sudden death of her son Leandro.
Unsettled weather lingers along East Coast for millions on Independence Day
Unsettled weather lingers along East Coast for millions on Independence Day
Don’t buy the hype that hot weather is a mass killer
Don't buy the hype that hot weather is a mass killer
Palestinian attacker wounds 4 in Tel Aviv as Israel presses on with biggest West Bank operation in decades
Bloody terror Palestinian attacker wounds 4 in Tel Aviv as Israel presses on with biggest West Bank operation in decades
A Palestinian man careened his car into pedestrians in Tel Aviv, wounding at least four people, in an attack as a response to Israel’s ongoing military operation.
Is NYC really doomed? Flawed rent and tax forecasts fester wild ‘apocalypse’ predictions
Flawed rent and tax forecasts fester wild 'apocalypse' predictions
Colleges should apply affirmative action—based on needs, not race
Colleges should still apply affirmative action—based on needs, not race
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Unions hate Biden’s EV push, Schumer & Co. vs. democracy and other commentary
The child star took a step back from acting after his famous role.
All grown up ‘Forrest Gump’ star unrecognizable 29 years later: ‘Hollywood wasn’t healthy’
Just like Forrest famously said, “Life was like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re gonna get.”
Marianne Williamson blasts DNC for supporting Biden in 2024, refusing to hold debates
Marianne Williamson blasts DNC for supporting Biden in 2024, refusing to hold debates
Abi Rickets (center) enlisted the help of her father (left) and brother (right) to help her arrive to prom in style.
I arrived at prom in a coffin — I've never wanted to fit in
Lily-Rose Depp shares racy photos from ‘wildest’ journey on ‘The Idol’ amid show backlash
Lily-Rose Depp shares racy photos from 'wildest' journey on 'The Idol' amid show backlash
“Thank you all for watching, listening, laughing & crying with us,” Depp wrote, calling the show, “the wildest, most beautiful journey of my life.”
Heather Locklear appears distressed, bizarrely walks on ledge of office building
Heather Locklear appears distressed, bizarrely walks on ledge of office building
Jennifer Hudson and Common spend ‘romantic weekend’ in London: report
Jennifer Hudson and Common spend 'romantic weekend' in London: report
‘Jack of all trades’ Christian McCaffrey saves Olivia Culpo from wardrobe malfunction at engagement party
Christian McCaffrey saves Olivia Culpo from wardrobe malfunction at engagement party
Usher and Ne-Yo perform at Michael Rubin’s starry Fourth of July party
Usher and Ne-Yo perform at Michael Rubin's starry Fourth of July party
Single Emily Ratajkowski twerks through Michael Rubin’s starry party in see-through dress
Sheer clear Single Ratajkowski twerks through Michael Rubin's party in see-through dress
Ratajkowski swayed her hips in a white see-through dress as she danced her way around the Fanatics mogul’s $50 million Bridgehampton mansion.
'The Idol' finale includes jab at Kanye West's love of Adolf Hitler
'The Idol' finale takes jab at Kanye West's praise of Adolf Hitler
Al Roker becomes a grandpa as daughter Courtney gives birth to first baby
Al Roker becomes a grandpa as daughter Courtney gives birth to first baby
Here’s what to watch on July 4 2023: fireworks and more
Here's what to watch on July 4 2023: fireworks and more
Rihanna shares photo of A$AP Rocky holding up son in Barbados: ‘My Bajan boyz’
Rihanna shares photo of A$AP Rocky holding up son in Barbados: 'My Bajan boyz'
Kate Middleton channels Princess Diana in mint green blazer at Wimbledon
Kate Middleton channels Princess Diana in mint green blazer at Wimbledon
Sydney Sweeney sizzles in tiny black bikini during ‘dream week’ in Ibiza
'Dream week' Sydney Sweeney sizzles in tiny black bikini during 'dream week'
The “Euphoria” star’s summer seems to be off to a sexy start, as she was spotted lounging in skimpy swimwear during a sunny getaway in Spain.
Feeling social Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter-like app 'Threads' set to debut, escalating Elon Musk feud
A listing for Meta-owned Threads has already appeared in Apple’s App Store.
Cloud computing
US wants to limit China's access to cloud services from Amazon, Microsoft: report
Meta loses as top EU court backs antitrust regulators over privacy breach checks
'Evolution' of 'tradition': Ivy League university unveils plan to teach students with AI chatbot this fall
Why Iceland is the hottest wellness destination in the world
Why Iceland is the hottest wellness destination in the world
At just over 2,000 square feet, centered around a literal bar serving Champagne and moss-vodka infusions alongside more wholesome, vitamin-powered Viking smoothies, the cozy-chic spa at the Reykjavik Edition hotel in Iceland epitomizes the growing…
Dogs in various hotel environments, specifically Kimpton Sylvan, The Little Nell and Montage Palmetto Bluff.
The best dog-friendly hotels with posh amenities for pets
How to foster a dog this summer without any expense
How to foster a dog this summer without any expense
Model and animal advocate Ivy Getty devotes herself to helping dogs in need — while showing off her fabulous fashion sense next to her rescue pups Blue and Martini.
Haute dogs: Ivy Getty models with her rescue pups
Adopt us! 6 adorable rescue dogs searching for their fur-ever homes
Adopt us! 6 adorable rescue dogs searching for their fur-ever homes
Amazon sale items on a July 4th-themed background.
US of A(mazon) Shop the 20 best Amazon Fourth of July deals of 2023
Celebrate the Fourth of July with Amazon, and save!
July Fourth sale items on a red, white, and blue background.
Soak up summer savings with the 54 best July 4th sales: Dyson, Target, Best Buy, and more
A yellow Best Buy logo on a red, white and blue background
Celebrate the best appliance and tech deals during Best Buy's Fourth of July sale right now
Computers on a red white and blue background
Log on for the best July 4th HP tech deals happening right now
Best Fourth of July Furniture Sales 2023
The 15 best Fourth of July indoor and outdoor furniture sales of 2023
Best Fourth of July Mattress Deals
15 best July 4th mattress sales: Deals from Amazon, Casper and more
‘Suicide Squad’ Anime Series Gives DC Fans First Look at “Completely Unique” Harley Quinn, Joker
'Suicide Squad' Anime Series Gives DC Fans First Look at "Completely Unique" Harley Quinn, Joker
In this anime adventure, the Suicide Squad will be transported to an entirely different world.
Steve-O Begged Johnny Knoxville To Stop “With The Brain Trauma” After Watching ‘Jackass Forever’
Steve-O Begged Johnny Knoxville To Stop “With The Brain Trauma” After Watching ‘Jackass Forever’
Greta Gerwig Following Up ‘Barbie’ With Netflix’s ‘Narnia’ Reboot
Greta Gerwig Following Up ‘Barbie’ With Netflix’s ‘Narnia’ Reboot
Aaron Boone breaks down a big night from Bader and Volpe in the Yankees 6-3 win over the Orioles
Aaron Boone breaks down a big night from Bader and Volpe in the Yankees 6-3 win over the Orioles
Ghost hunters capture bone-chilling moment
Ghost hunters capture bone-chilling moment
Pearl River native Drew Fortescue reacts to being drafted by the Rangers
Pearl River native Drew Fortescue reacts to being drafted by the Rangers
Timberwolves Announcer Michael Grady breaks down NBA Free Agency and NBA Summer League
Timberwolves Announcer Michael Grady breaks down NBA Free Agency and NBA Summer League
Russia reveals officials have touched base with US over Evan Gershkovich prisoner swap
Russia reveals officials have touched base with US over Wall Street Journal reporter
Why are dogs so scared by fireworks — and how can you keep them calm?
Biden calls for tighter gun control after holiday weekend shootings
Nathan's 2023 Hot Dog Eating Contest back on after weather delay
Draymond Green thinks Victor Wembanyama is getting set up ‘for failure’
Warriors star thinks 7-foot-4 rookie sensation is getting set up 'for failure'
US star's influencer girlfriend reveals new Wimbledon role after viral TikToks
Stitches likes this MLB bet for the Fourth of July
AEW star's heel turn is off to a rocky start
Teen surfer bitten by shark off Fire Island, 2nd possible attack reported nearby
Teen surfer bitten by shark off Fire Island, 2nd possible attack reported nearby
6 hurt as two triple shootings rock the Bronx on same day
NYC homelessness up 18% in 2023 despite sweeps, new outreach: survey
'You can't spell love without Leo,' Leandro De Niro Rodriguez's dad says while escorting grieving mom
British pop star Adele has issued a challenge to rowdy concert attendees saying that she dares someone to throw something at her while she performs on stage.
Adele warns fans after string of stage assaults
Julian Sands spoke of finding human remains on climbs in one of final interviews before his death
Princess Diana 'only person' who could mend Harry and William feud: royal expert
'Brain flossing' hailed as calming mental health hack
Joe Biden
SCOTUS' student-loan decision: Letters to the Editor — July 4, 2023
This July 4, today's youth are unprepared to win a Revolutionary War
Have you ever heard ALL of the nation's hymn?
ESG is on its way out — now that investors have been forced to wise up
Trump-tied SPAC reaches agreement with SEC staff over merger
Trump-tied SPAC reaches agreement with SEC staff over merger
Apple loses London appeal in 4G patent dispute with Optis
Biden taps 2 Republicans to fill FTC vacancies
Twitter says users must be verified to access TweetDeck
Paul Macaulay on TikTok
I'm a foot doctor — this popular summer shoe is a scary health risk
Skimpy shorts for men, divide Twitter: 'My junk would come out'
See the newest Coach store — built inside a converted Boeing 747
'Microscopic' Louis Vuitton-style handbag sells for over $63K: 'Smaller than a grain of salt'
15 bottles of wine surrounded by a colorful border.
Allow us to wine and dine you: Get 15 bottles of wine for less than $65 during our version of Prime Day
Cycle and save! This eBike is only $900 and ships for free. Take that, Amazon.
Chop chop! Check out these chef-recommended knife sharpeners to keep your cooking skills sharp
Listen up! Save 62% on these JBL noise-cancelling bluetooth earbuds
This just-sold property is an ideal residence for an individual who identifies as a troll.
Troll-chic home under bridge sells for $181K over ask — all cash
Rotating mansion praised as an 'architectural marvel' lists for $5.3M
Maje, Sandro latest luxury brands to score space in Meatpacking District
GM Building adds new Savoy Club wellness center for tech-loving tenants
UK man Shaun Turner was flabbergasted after learning that his sudden onset of "horny and aggressive" behavior was reportedly the result of an undiscovered brain tumor.
I thought I was really horny and aggressive — but it was a brain tumor
Madre horrorizada encuentra moho negro creciendo en la lonchera de un niño que ha usado durante 2 años
Impactante video capturó el momento en que adolescente obliga a un niño de cuatro años a fumar vape: policías
Un niño derramó un paisaje infernal brillante sobre mí en pleno vuelo, así que lo denuncié.
Jack Dorsey's Bluesky said the rise of visitors caused "some degraded performance as a result of record-high traffic."
Elon Musk's rate limits on Twitter send Bluesky's traffic to record high
Jack Dorsey defiende a Elon Musk en medio del fiasco de los "límites de tasa": "Ejecutar Twitter es difícil"
Los límites de velocidad de Twitter de Elon Musk podrían socavar los esfuerzos del nuevo CEO para impulsar el negocio: expertos en publicidad
Las acciones de Tesla se disparan un 6% después de que el fabricante de vehículos eléctricos informe impresionantes cifras de ventas
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Santo Somingo, ( PNS).__ El Servicio Panamericano de Noticias Digital/Youtube. Com: Política dominicana: Leonel Fernández...dice si Abinadel no gana en primera vuela, él gana en la seguna. Los comentarios sobre el tapete y el ex presidente tocando violín, creyendo que es sarsofón.... cosa veredes. ( PNS).
va 9 DE ENERO DE 2024 ACTUALIZADO A LAS 10:28 A. M. Listin DiarioEl Lístin diario SUSCRIBETE República Opinión Salud Mundiales Deportes Eco...
Lea hoy y ahora las noticias internacionales de el diario español El País, cortesía de PNS Noticias Blogspot.Com. ( Disfrute de esta excelen...
20 marzo 2017 Actualizado 16:50 CET EL PAÍS ...
Biden y Trudeau anunciarán plan sobre solicitantes de asilo Por JOSH BOAK y ROB GILLIES 2 hours ago OTTAWA, Canadá (AP) — El presidente es...
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